A free distribution of a specific token.
Blockchain Explorer
A client to browse blockchain transactions.
The destruction of tokens or coins.
A generic term for a program or device. In the context of Pantos, it usually refers to the webapp or a command-line interface (CLI).
A simple tool to get some free test token.
A metric to pay for transactions, PAN is the gas of the Pantos network.
The creation of tokens or coins.
Smart Contract
A program that rules the protocol and provides the functions for Pantos transfers.
Token Contract
A token contract is a type of smart contract. Each token has its corresponding token contract, which defines its capabilities and other specifications, like total supply.
The process of burning the wrapped token in exchange for the underlying original asset from the smart contract on the source chain.
The process of locking an asset in a smart contract and minting a corresponding wrapped token on the source chain
Wrapped Token
A derivative of an asset like a coin, that is backed 1:1 by the original asset through a smart contract. An asset can only be wrapped/unwrapped on the source chain.
Last updated