In this example we show how to deploy a PANDAS-based Token using Brownie
Install Brownie: pip install eth-brownie
Add your custom token contract to the contracts folder in your Brownie project.
Add your private key to the brownie project
If you have already a private key, use: brownie accounts new <id>
If you don't have a private key, use: brownie accounts generate <id>
Do not forget to request testnet funds from the faucets
Modify the networks-config.yaml to include the desired testnets.
Step 1: Configure the networks-config.yaml
Update the networks-config.yaml file to include the testnet configurations for Ethereum (Goerli), BNB Chain (Testnet), Avalanche (Fuji), Fantom (Testnet), Celo (Alfajores), and Cronos (Testnet).
Step 3: Deploy and register your token on each supported testnet
In your Brownie project, create a scripts directory and add a file named and add the following code:
import brownie
import json
from brownie import MyToken
# Set initial token supply and minimum token stake
INITIAL_SUPPLY = 100 * 10**18 # initial supply is 100 Token with 18 decimals
# Set the addresses for the Pantos forwarder, hub, and PAN token
FORWARDER_ADDRESS = "get address bottom of this page"
HUB_ADDRESS = "get address bottom of this page"
PAN_ADDRESS = "get address bottom of this page"
# Define the deployToken function
def deploy_token(account_name: str):
# loading Pantos Hub abi data
with open('./path/to/pantos_hub_abi.json', 'r') as f:
pantos_hub_abi_data = json.loads(
# loading Pantos Token abi data
with open('./path/to/pantos_token_abi.json', 'r') as f:
pantos_token_abi_data = json.loads(
# Load the PantosHub contract from the ABI
hub = brownie.Contract.from_abi("PantosHub", HUB_ADDRESS,
# Load the PantosToken contract from the ABI
pan_token = brownie.Contract.from_abi("PantosToken", PAN_ADDRESS,
# Load the specified account
account = brownie.accounts.load(account_name)
# Deploy the custom token contract
myTokenContract = MyToken.deploy(INITIAL_SUPPLY, {'from': account})
# Set the Pantos forwarder address in the custom token contract
{'from': account})
# Approve the PantosHub to spend the required minimum token stake
pan_token.approve(HUB_ADDRESS, _MINIMUM_TOKEN_STAKE, {'from': account})
# Register the custom token on the PantosHub
hub.registerToken(myTokenContract.address, _MINIMUM_TOKEN_STAKE,
{'from': account})
Set the FORWARDER_ADDRESS, HUB_ADDRESS & PAN_ADDRESS with the appropriate addresses for each testnet.
Run the script on each testnet using Brownie:
brownie run ./scripts/ deploy_token <name of account> --network <network name>
Step 4: Register external tokens on each Pantos Hub
registerExternalToken is a function used in the Pantos ecosystem to establish a connection between a token on one blockchain and its corresponding token on another blockchain. This function enables the PantosHub to recognize the token's presence across multiple blockchains and helps facilitate cross-chain token transfers.
Create a file named in the scripts directory of your Brownie project and add the following code:
import brownie
def register_token(account_name: str):
with open('./path/to/pantos_hub_abi.json', 'r') as f:
pantos_hub_abi_data = json.loads(
# Load the PantosHub contract from the ABI
hub = brownie.Contract.from_abi("PantosHub", HUB_ADDRESS,
# Load the specified account
account = brownie.accounts.load(account_name)
# Call the registerExternalToken function from the PantosHub contract
# Replace the placeholders with the correct data:
# - <address of token on chain>: the address of your token on the current chain
# - <chain id>: the ID of the blockchain where the external token is located
# - <address of token on different chain>: the address of your token on the external chain
<address of token on chain>,
<chain id>,
<address of token on different chain>.encode('utf-8').strip(),
{'from': account}
Replace <address of token on chain>, <chain id> & <address of token on different chain> with the appropriate addresses for each testnet.
Run the script on each testnet using Brownie:
brownie run ./scripts/ register_token <name of account> --network <network name>
Once you have completed these steps, your token will be deployed on all the supported testnets and registered with the Pantos Hubs. This will enable your token to be transferred across these networks seamlessly.
To summarize, this step-by-step guide will help you deploy your token on multiple testnets and register it with the Pantos Hubs. You will need to create a Brownie project, configure the necessary networks, deploy your token, and run the appropriate scripts to register your token and external tokens on each Pantos Hub. By following these steps, you'll have a multichain token that can be used across different blockchain networks.