PantosHub ABI
The PantosHub ABI is a JSON representation of the PantosHub smart contract's interface, containing the functions and events necessary for interacting with and managing cross-chain token registration
The ABI acts as an interface between the contract's bytecode and the outside world. Here's a breakdown of the important elements in the PantosHub ABI:
ExternalTokenRegistered: Emitted when an external token is registered on another blockchain.
ExternalTokenUnregistered: Emitted when an external token is unregistered from another blockchain.
TokenRegistered: Emitted when a token is registered on the current blockchain.
TokenUnregistered: Emitted when a token is unregistered from the current blockchain.
getPantosForwarder: A view function that returns the address of the Pantos Forwarder, which is required for cross-chain functionality.
registerExternalToken: A nonpayable function that registers an external token from another blockchain to the Pantos Hub. It takes three arguments:
token: The address of the token on the current blockchain.
blockchainId: The ID of the blockchain where the external token resides.
externalToken: The address of the token on the external blockchain.
registerToken: A nonpayable function that registers a token to the Pantos Hub. It takes two arguments:
token: The address of the token to be registered.
stake: The amount of PAN tokens to be staked for registration (1000 PAN is required).
unregisterExternalToken: A nonpayable function that unregisters an external token from another blockchain. It takes two arguments:
token: The address of the token on the current blockchain.
blockchainId: The ID of the blockchain where the external token resides.
unregisterToken: A nonpayable function that unregisters a token from the Pantos Hub. It takes one argument:
token: The address of the token to be unregistered.
getExternalTokenRecord: A function to read the external token record for a registered token and a blockchain id. It takes two arguments:
token: The address of the token on the current blockchain.
blockchainId: The id of the external blockchain.
PantosHub ABI JSON
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